The Customer

PartsTrader Markets Limited (PartsTrader) is an online search and compare marketplace for sourcing car parts for collision repairs, digitally connecting repairers and parts suppliers and enabling a more efficient repair process and an improved customer experience. PartsTrader was founded in New Zealand in 2004, launched in the United States in 2012 and is now operating across the continental United States. PartsTrader engaged AC3 to help move their complex architecture to AWS, to improve their development capability and deliver better customer outcomes.

The Challenge

Low-risk cloud adoption

PartsTrader wanted to work with a partner who had been through numerous successful cloud migrations before, had a strong reputation in the market, and were a safe pair of hands for such a critical transformation for their business.

Collaborate across the business

Working to a deadline meant that PartsTrader needed to shorten the learning curve for this new technology, leveraging a partner’s experience to enable them to hit the ground running and achieve success faster.

Improve team efficiency and enable them to scale

PartsTrader wanted to partner with a local company who were able to work alongside their Wellington-based team, supporting them prior to, during and after their cloud migration.

The Solution

AC3 provided PartsTrader with experienced cloud consulting and engineering assistance, along a migration process to enable a seamless transition to AWS:

Cloud Consulting, Security and Architecture Expertise

AC3 worked closely with the PartsTrader teams to understand their business as well as the technology, to ensure that the resulting cloud architecture was in-line both with AWS best practice, as well as what PartsTrader required to deliver a premium level of service to their customers.

Cloud Engineering and Infrastructure-as-Code

PartsTrader built their AWS cloud environment using Infrastructure-as-Code, deciding on Terraform as their product of choice in this area. AC3 provided a mix of on-site and remote Cloud and DevOps engineering assistance throughout the migration project, helping them to achieve success faster.

AWS Enterprise Support

As an audited AWS Managed Service Partner (MSP), AC3 provide PartsTrader with ongoing AWS Enterprise Support for their cloud infrastructure and services. PartsTrader knows it has a partner with a deep and intimate understanding of their business and their cloud environment that is supporting them and their platform.

AWS Infrastructure Management

As part of the AWS Enterprise Support service, AC3 orchestrated the AWS Infrastructure Event Management service during go-live. This intense focus and resource from both AWS and AC3 during this critical migration window proved invaluable for PartsTrader.

The Results

Speed & Agility

PartsTrader were no longer reliant on the change process of other providers to perform daily tasks. With AC3 and AWS, they were able to increase the pace at which they operate, enabling them to innovate faster.

Resiliency and Security

With AC3’s assistance in architecting their AWS cloud environment, PartsTrader were able to achieve compliance with stringent customer requirements, while building a fully resilient, best-practice cloud platform.

Increased Consistency

With all AWS infrastructure and services built using Infrastructure-as-Code, PartsTrader can now develop and test using production-like environments, ensuring the consistency of application releases.

Cost Savings

While cost savings weren’t their number-one priority, PartsTrader have saved a significant amount of money on hosting costs as a result of their decision to migrate to AWS.